Mittwoch, 28. März 2012

final countdown !

I still can't believe that right now we are spending our last week at school. After all it's been 13 years of school and now my school life is supposed to be over in 2 days?? I'm gonna miss it for sure... I'm actually not someone who cries in front of ppl, but somehow i get the feeling that it's going to happen on friday.
This week is really special, because we have those 'topic days' (?!) aka Mottotage, which are kinda like a tradition in german schools to dress up according to a theme. It's soo much fun and enjoyable ! But tomorrow it's gonna be the last of them :(

Today's theme : Mask ball

More coming soon~
(because my friends have to send me the pictures ;D)

Sonntag, 4. März 2012

how much i missed it !

After a long time me and my friends finally met again this weekend. :) We went to Düsseldorf and tried out a newly opened up bubble tea shop :D It was nice, they even had a monitor, in which kpop mv's and concert performances were shown...but totally SNSD biased, if you ask me. Still this was kinda new to me, haha. I think k-pop is going to be known more and more even here in Germany. 
Well, but the main thing we wanted to do was : Purikuraaas ! It's been such a long time since the last time...It was fun :D the next time i wanna do it alone with one person. I've never tried it before, but since you have more free space in pairs there are more 'posing possibilies'. ^_^

And now, back to study.... 2 exams are coming next week, mock examinations ! >_<