Dienstag, 28. August 2012

Too much freedom is NOT healthy

... that's what i've realized the past months. And that's exactly why, i haven't posted anything even though i had PLENTY OF TIME.... pretty sad, i know. During my school i always thought of so many things i wanted to do, but couldn't due to lack of time - and now, it's either i'm not motivated at all to do these things or because half of them just disappeared suddenly.

But of course i didn't waste my free time completely....

Even if it's been already (EXACTLY) 2 months ago since i passed the driving test, i still can feel the mixture of joy and pride inside of me. I'm really proud of myself that i finally got my driving license :)
In other news, i finally started to learn how to play guitar :D. My brother has been playing guitar since he was young, so i've always wanted him to teach me a bit as well. As you can see it's an old guitar, which he doesn't use anymore and now i'm the new owner :) So far, i've only learned the chords of Jung Yongwha's Banmal song, haha. The song itself contains commonly used basic chords, so i think it's a great way to build on that to play other pieces in the future.

Here's the digital version of the song...

Btw, i will try my best to catch up with some photos i've taken lately in the following weeks, be patient ! :3

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

the end of the struggle is coming closer?

Excuse me for the mess, haha.

I'm done !!! :D I'm done with ALL my final exams. School is officially over to me and I finally got my A-levels after receiving the last results. What is only left : our certificates/reports, which will be handed out next week following with our school prom on the same day in the evening.

I'm so happy to be able to say, that i'm really looking forward to the prom :) Until yesterday, it seemed impossible to wear heeled shoes because I sprained my ankle and tore a ligament some months ago and i was told to wear a bandage for a month. Since the month is almost over, i'm allowed to leave it out next week. :D 

But seriously, why do unexpected things always have to be happen at important times? It's like, it NEVER happens before, but suddenly it does when it's getting serious. It has been a tough time... because of my foot i was quite restricted. No sports, no shopping (now that summer is coming) ... the fact, that i had so much free time since i only had to go school whenever there was an exam, made it even more depressing. The timing was just perfect to do a part-time job, to do things, i couldn't do due to lack of free time. I felt kinda useless, the only things i could do were studying for the exams and going to driving school. Well, of course it's wrong to blame EVERYTHING on my physical restrictions. Maybe it was just an excuse for my laziness. But you know, it makes you going insane just to wait and wait until it gets better. I often was not in no mood to do something productive like blogging, improving my drawing skills and such... It's such a burden not only to deal with physical but also psychical problems. As if it wasn't enough, having to deal with the pressure of deciding what to do after school, worrying about the final exams and doing my driving license at the same time.

I hope this healing process will end soon. I'm really tired of it... even if i will be able to walk without wearing the bandage from next week on, the swollen parts of the foot does not seem to disappear. I just want it to be fully recovered, but quickly.

Mittwoch, 28. März 2012

final countdown !

I still can't believe that right now we are spending our last week at school. After all it's been 13 years of school and now my school life is supposed to be over in 2 days?? I'm gonna miss it for sure... I'm actually not someone who cries in front of ppl, but somehow i get the feeling that it's going to happen on friday.
This week is really special, because we have those 'topic days' (?!) aka Mottotage, which are kinda like a tradition in german schools to dress up according to a theme. It's soo much fun and enjoyable ! But tomorrow it's gonna be the last of them :(

Today's theme : Mask ball

More coming soon~
(because my friends have to send me the pictures ;D)

Sonntag, 4. März 2012

how much i missed it !

After a long time me and my friends finally met again this weekend. :) We went to Düsseldorf and tried out a newly opened up bubble tea shop :D It was nice, they even had a monitor, in which kpop mv's and concert performances were shown...but totally SNSD biased, if you ask me. Still this was kinda new to me, haha. I think k-pop is going to be known more and more even here in Germany. 
Well, but the main thing we wanted to do was : Purikuraaas ! It's been such a long time since the last time...It was fun :D the next time i wanna do it alone with one person. I've never tried it before, but since you have more free space in pairs there are more 'posing possibilies'. ^_^

And now, back to study.... 2 exams are coming next week, mock examinations ! >_<

Sonntag, 26. Februar 2012

'cause i love perfection

After a long break, I kinda overcome my laziness thanks to some people who have been asking me to update my blog again. :) I was surprised, because i wouldn't expect that people still would check my blog reguarly ^^ after all it's been like 2 months, since i've posted anything.
I blame my perfection. Actually it's a burden being a perfectionist. It's like : everything needs to be perfect = more time = but i don't have that much time = giving up, no motivation to start at all.
And in the end i think, wtf? It's not necessary to spend so much time for it. It happens in everything. I'm always so self-critical. I really want to change this habit. :/

Well, enough on this self-reflection...Recently i've been outside a lot, so i could take some photos after a long time. :) I lovee it just being outside with friends to take photos, while chatting and hanging out. Unlike going shopping together, having hardly a chance to talk, it's so much more enjoying to spend the time together at a cafe or somewhere outside. Like the day before yesterday, me and my friend we were at Starbucks like for 3hrs, because we had so much to talk about xD. Talking about the old times made me soo nostalgic.

Anyways, i will try to post more in the future ^^; I think it's better to make more small posts than taking too much time to write too much. Argh, i'm writing too much again...